DIA 2018 Board of Officer’s Nomination Meeting
Where did the time go? It has been four years since the last DIA election for the current board of officers. As required by the DIA Constitution and By-Laws we will have an election in the fall of 2018. All positions on the board are up for election. On October 25, 2018 at 6:30 pm, there will be a general membership meeting for nominations at 100 Centre Street, NY, on the 15th floor in the main jury room.
The positions for trustee, nominated by the floor, shall be nominated only by members employed in that county which the trustee shall represent.
The City-Wide Supervisor Trustee shall be nominated only by members of the rank of Supervising Investigator from any county.
Nominations from the floor for Executive Committee positions require a second. The nominations must be made by a member in good standing.
For a position that does not require a second, such as trustee and City-Wide Supervisor Trustee, a member may nominate himself/herself.
An unopposed candidate shall not have their name appear on a ballot and shall be deemed automatically elected by the unanimous vote of the membership.
Requirements for Eligibility to Hold OfficeThe requirement for eligibility to hold office shall be as follows:
A) President — No member of the Association shall be qualified as a candidate unless he/she has been a member in good standing for thirty-six (36) months prior to the date of nomination and must be below the rank of supervisor of any county. In the year of the general election, no member of the Association may be considered for nomination of president unless he/she has served in a position on the Executive Committee for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months. (As amended July 29, 2010).
B) Vice-President — Must have been a member in good standing for eighteen (18) months prior to the date of nomination and must be below the rank of Supervising investigator from any county.
C) Secretary-Treasurer — Must have been a member in good standing for eighteen (18) months prior to the date of nomination and must be below the rank of Supervising investigator from any county.
D) Trustee — Shall be elected to office by the members assigned within the county they wish to represent. They must be employed within the county he wishes to represent.
E) City-Wide Supervisor Trustee — Must be a member in good standing and the rank of Supervising Investigator from any county. He/she shall be elected to the office by the members of the rank of Supervising Investigator from every county.
Jack Freck