Exceptional Contribution Award
This photo is from 2011 when Supervising Investigator Joseph Hall (right) received an Exceptional Contribution Award from Special Narcotics Prosecutor Bridget G. Brennan for his role in the investigation and prosecution of Dr. Stan Xuhui Li, an anesthesiologist and pain management specialist who was ultimately convicted of manslaughter, reckless endangerment, and illegal prescriptions sales, among other charges. A Manhattan judge sentenced Li to a prison term of 10 2/3 years to 20 years after jurors found that the doctor had recklessly caused the deaths of two patients and endangered the lives of six others to whom he sold prescriptions for powerful narcotic painkillers. Depicted with Joe are Chief Investigator William Cook (left) and Belinda McNeill (center), administrative assistant to SNP’s Investigators Unit, who celebrated her 20-year anniversary with the agency that year.